Cadex VibraKidz

When Daylight Savings time ends, set your CADEX VibraKidz Reminder Watch back one hour. e-pill VibraKidz
1. When the screen is black, press the top button once to display the time.
2. Hold down the top button until the hours flash. Press the top button to increase the hours, or the bottom button to decrease.
3. Hold down the top button until the minutes flash. Press the top button to increase the minutes, or the bottom button to decrease.
4. Hold down the top button until 12H or 24H show, press any button to select 12H or 24H.
1. When the screen is black, press the top button once to display the time.
2. Hold down the top button until the hours flash. Press the top button to increase the hours, or the bottom button to decrease.
3. Hold down the top button until the minutes flash. Press the top button to increase the minutes, or the bottom button to decrease.
4. Hold down the top button until 12H or 24H show, press any button to select 12H or 24H.