MedClock Parkinson's Care

Choose the right e-pill® Alarm Watch, Pill Box, Pill Dispenser, Countdown Timer or Automatic Pill Dispenser
Hard to find reminder devices for Parkinsons' patients needing to take medications multiple times per day ('s Medication Reminders for PD Patients and Parkinsons Caregivers.
We are here to help every Parkinson patient. Our medication adherence devices are manufactured by e-pill® Medication Reminders. We offer FREE Standard Shipping in the US regardless of order size and we ship worldwide.
Your watch, and the nature of the alarms on it (the fact that it comes back to poke you until you turn it off a second time) helped me rebuild a sense of order in my life. As I’ve traveled along my recovery journey, the alarms have changed somewhat, but the watch remains a solid part of what helps me maintain the routine and order I need in my life. There are a lot of things that contributed to my recovery, but your watch was a solid piece of the puzzle. Thanks in part to you, after a decade of living on disability I have maintained full time employment for over six years, and I am happily married with a 3 year old child and another on the way.
Our Multi-Alarm Pill Box Timer, tested by a panel of Parkinson’s patients, has a built-in pillbox and has switches that slide when programming it. These switches slide making it easier to program than using the buttons found on other models. Up to thirty-seven reminders can be programmed. Parkinson's Disease Foundation.