Press Release: Diabetes Medical Bracelet disguised as a discreet Wrist Watch
Diabetes Medical Bracelet Disguised as a Discreet Wrist Watch available today from e-pill Medication Reminders.
World’s first and only Diabetes Alert Bracelet tells Time and when you press ALERT it tells your Medical Story. Affordable with no fees.
Wellesley, MA (PRWEB)
The world’s first diabetes medical bracelet that looks like a normal wrist watch, tells time and contains the individual's medical information. This emergency bracelet works without computers, does not use a USB port and has NO monthly or annual fees. Patients and caregivers can update and maintain the medical information right on the watch, yet it is not larger or bulkier than a normal watch. Wear it and it looks like a normal watch until ALERT is pressed.
“We are proud to release the first modern alternative to an engraved medical bracelet for diabetes patients” says Stefan Solvell President of e-pill Medication Reminders . “In an emergency, share your medical profile simply by pressing the ALERT button on your e-pill ALERT bracelet and show your watch to the EMT or Emergency Room doctor".
The e-pill Diabetes ALERT Medical Bracelet is priced at an affordable $99.95 and comes in Silver or Black. Now available for sale at or by calling 1-888-726-8805. Makes a perfect gift for a friend or family member with diabetes / diabetic special medical needs. Price includes free shipping and delivery is guaranteed for the Holidays.
In business since 1999, Wellesley (Boston), MA based e-pill Medication Reminders ( offers a wide variety of electronic personal health devices to allow patients to continue to live independently. Products (“e-pills”) range from electronic bracelets to pill boxes with alarms to locked automatic pill dispensers that will alert a remote caregiver. E-pill Medication Reminder devices can be ordered on-line or by 1-781-239-2941. e-pill and CADEX are a registered trademarks. US patent 6,560,165
e-pill Medication Reminders
Stefan Solvell, 781-239-2941 or 1-800-549-0095
President & Manager e-pill, LLC