Automated Pill Dispenser End Project Evaluation Report

Automated Pill Dispenser End Project Evaluation Report

Automated Pill Dispenser
End Project Evaluation Report

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Automated Pill Dispenser End Project Evaluation Report (NHS)

Medication can both prolong life and enable people to live independently in the Community. However, medication regimes for many people can become complex and overwhelming. Poor medication adherence can erode self-confidence and well-being. Health and social care agencies must intervene and help people at the right time before complex, costly and intensive interventions like hospital admission become necessary. For the individual this requires straightforward and easy to access support. This project has created new pathways between Local Authorities, PCT Clusters and Community Pharmacies. Almost four hundred people have benefited from an Automated Pill Dispenser service that has helped them to self-manage their medication. This report outlines both the business case and qualitative data about the experience of people in the West Midlands using the Automated Pill Dispenser service. As Local Authorities and GP’s assume more responsibilities for community based healthcare this work becomes ever more relevant. We have not yet explored the potential for GP’s to directly prescribe this service. Equally there are areas across the rest of the country who are yet to explore the technology. We hope this report stimulates the reader to think about the art of the possible locally.
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