Pill Box Dispenser for your Kitchen e-pill Accutab

Pill Box Dispenser for your Kitchen e-pill Accutab

Pill Box / Pill Dispenser / Vitamin Dispenser / Vitamin Organizer
for your Kitchen or Bathroom e-pill Accutab

Easy to Use Weekly Under Shelf Accutab Pill Dispenser (non-electronic) from e-pill Medication Reminders. Dispense medications, vitamins, supplements: 1, 2, or 3 times per day for One Week. Simple to use & ready to dispense. Fill your e-pill Accutab automatic pill dispenser weekly. Scroll down to learn more or to Order.

  • Universal Bracket, Tape and Screws. e-pill Accutab (SKU 820864)
  • Mounts with Tape or Screws. e-pill Accutab Classic (SKU 820534)
  • or Simply Slide the included bracket under your kitchen cabinet shelf. e-pill Accutab Undershelf (SKU 820654)

  • Watch a YouTube Video how this pill box / pill dispenser from e-pill Medication Reminders works.
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