Clinical Study: MySafeRX + e-pill Med-O-Wheel SECURE

Clinical Study: MySafeRX + e-pill Med-O-Wheel SECURE

Can secure electronic mobile pill dispensers help people organize medication administration and deter diversion?

Opioid Dependence is a serious public health issue. Opiate replacement therapy with buprenorphine improves clinical outcomes for most people with dependence, but emerging adults (18-25 year olds) with opioid dependence seem to draw less benefit from treatment. Medication adherence may be a critical mediator in the relationship between emerging adulthood and poor clinical outcomes. An intervention that can simultaneously increase adherence and reduce diversion of buprenorphine is needed, especially among emerging adults.

e-pill Med-O-Wheel SECURE was the secure electronic pill organizer used in study.

Mobile platform for daily remote supervised self-administration of buprenorphine: Our study aims to demonstrate successful integration of several existing technologies into a mobile platform for daily remote supervised self-administration of buprenorphine. The platform will consist of the following components: (1) secure electronic pill organizers; 2) phone text messaging; 3) smartphone videoconferencing telemental health evaluations with daily brief motivational interventions; 4) a standardized protocol for monitoring daily self-administration of medication; and 5) sober social network support triggered by missed medication.

Learn more about MySafeRX an integrated mobile platform for buprenorphine adherence Clinical Study.

Principal Investigator: Zev Schuman-Olivier, MD
Funding Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse – Center for Technology and Behavioral Health Pilot Core
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